California’s net neutrality bill is moving ahead despite industry objections

In California, the USA, a strict net neutrality bill is closed to becoming law, as the Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee in the state Senate approved it, despite objections from telecom providers. The bill replicates basic net neutrality rules that were included in the 2015 order of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), on blocking, throttling, and paid… Continue reading California’s net neutrality bill is moving ahead despite industry objections

Oregon governor signs net neutrality law

States in the USA continue to pass their own net neutrality rules, following the December 2017 decision of the Federal Communications Commission’s to repeal the federal rules. On 9 April, the Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed a net neutrality bill that prohibits public bodies in Oregon from contracting with broadband Internet access service providers (ISPs) that… Continue reading Oregon governor signs net neutrality law

WSIS Report – Session 300: WSIS Stocktaking and WSIS Prizes

WSIS Forum 2018 Session 300 This session, moderated by Mr Vladimir Stankovic, WSIS policy analyst, Strategic planning and membership department, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) presented the main results of the WSIS Prize and WSIS stocktaking processes and discussed their future vision. Mr Malcolm Johnson, deputy secretary-general, ITU, in his opening remarks said that this was… Continue reading WSIS Report – Session 300: WSIS Stocktaking and WSIS Prizes

WSIS Report – Session 281: The Need for An Evidence-Based Approach to Tackle the Gender Digital Divide

WSIS Forum 2018 Session 281 The session, moderated by Ms Alison Gillwald, executive director, Research ICT Africa, presented an update of the Action Map that aims to record initiatives which work in closing the global gender digital divide. The session also featured discussion on the need for an evidence-based approach to tackle the gender digital… Continue reading WSIS Report – Session 281: The Need for An Evidence-Based Approach to Tackle the Gender Digital Divide

WSIS Report – Session 127: IoV (Internet of Vehicle) Technology

WSIS Forum 2018 Session 127 The session, moderated by Mr Harry Li, Global Vision Media Technologies Co. Ltd, China, featured discussion on the use of electronic information technology in automobiles and transportation, and presented some of the latest progress in these fields. Mr Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), started the session… Continue reading WSIS Report – Session 127: IoV (Internet of Vehicle) Technology

IGF Report: Founding Meeting of a Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance

Internet Governance Forum The session, moderated by Ms Sandra Hoferichter, EuroSSIG, featured discussions on how to found a Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance (DC-SIG). A DC-SIG should serve as a platform to exchange experiences and good practices and to coordinate activities between different SIGs. In her introductory statement, Hoferichter recorded that during the IGF… Continue reading IGF Report: Founding Meeting of a Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance